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21.05.2012 в 21:12
он печатает еще медленнее Марка! Cecilia :
Could you give us any clues about the canon stories you were inspired by for the third series?
Steven Moffat:
Yes. They were written by Doyle.
еще несколько цитатVicky Park. :
Steven, what is it that you admire about Mark and Steven Thompson's writing? And how easy was it to work all three into the sсript?
Steven Moffat:
I think Mark has an incredible grasp of the gothic and the scary, but such glee in them that he never forgets to make it FUN. His love of the grotesque makes the grotesque weirdly attractive. Steve has a HUGE MATHEMATICAL BRAIN, which can scare Mark and me, but I like his humourous character stuff most of all - effortless jokes that makes you laugh before you've noticed them. But they're both BRILLIANT writers is the main thing - best of the best.
Audrey :
Did you ever write yourselves into a hole in season 2 and go, "How can we get ourselves out of this one?"
Steven Moffat:
No. Because we dug the hole, based on hole plans, and a number of hole meetings, and with approval from the Hole Committee. MInd you, Baskerville is a sod to make sense of. Thanks, Sir Arthur!!
Addy :
Where did you get some of your original ideas? For example, (to my recollection), Sherlock didn't have a mind palace in canon, so where'd you get the inspiration to put that in?
Steven Moffat:
That scene was a bugger to get right. Because if you look at it, all it really consists of is Sherlock going "Hang on, I've just remembered something important which I failed to mention earlier in the plot ... " We had to DISGUISE that. And during one of our many anguished meetings about making sense of Baskerville, we remembered Derren Brown and his mind palace, So we nicked that, Mark wrote a very funny scene, and no one noticed that it's a tiny bit of a cheat, Shhhh!!!
Elizabeth :
Have you thought about making a cameo appearance in the next season?
Steven Moffat:
No, Never will. Can't act. I leave that to my much cleverer collaborator.
Vicky P. :
Mycroft is a very complex character. Will we see much more of him?
Steven Moffat:
Yes, there's an upcoming shower scene. Mark's going to the gym already. Other than that, yes, we love Mycroft. Became a much bigger, more important than we expected, especially in Scandal. Somehow - for me, anyway - he's the key to Sherlock. Imagining that past, those boys, that home....
Jas :
Do you secretly enjoy winding up all the fans?
Steven Moffat:
Brittany S. :
Your show made me start reading Sherlock Holmes, and I now have a passion for it. How does it feel to introduce a new generation to Sherlock Holmes?
Steven Moffat:
Great. Nothing Mark and I would like better. We've never wanted there to be spinoff books of our version of Sherlock, cos if you want to READ it you should read Doyle. Nobody does it better.
Jessica :
What do you think is the best way to heal Post-Reichenbach-Depression?
Steven Moffat:
Doctor Who.
Ilya :
Many fans are very interested in one question. Is there any some sort of love between Sherlock and John?
Of course they love each other! How could they go through all their adventures and not love each other? There's all kinds of love.
Steven Moffat:
They love each other very much. The whole story is that, always has been - these two unshakeable friends who complete each other, and redeem each other. It's a story over a century old, and we show no sign of getting tired of it, and why should we? Some people want that love to be, well, more romantic, and good luck to them. Everyone should enjoy the show the way they want to and all interpretations are equally valid - I'm only a writer. Personally, I thought Charlie's Angels all lived in the same jacuzzi - I was happyl
Emilie :
Are you going to incorporate more original characters such as Molly Hooper or is that a one time thing?
Elaine :
I love Molly! She is my favorite!
Steven Moffat:
Molly happened as a one-off deal, to help introduce Sherlock, and we'd already decided not to invent our own regulars. But Mark and I, sitting at the monitors, fell in love with Loo, and Mark came up with gay boyfriend gag. And we all know how THAT ended up!!
Allie :
Is there any significance of the ring on Mycroft's right hand?
Steven Moffat:
It has a concealed laser. Probably.
Hanna :
Benedict is an otter, Martin is a hedgehog. What animal do you think Mark Gatiss is? What animal are you?
Steven Moffat:
Mark is a creature previously unknown to science. I'm a Grump. The only one in the world - or maybe all the others just fell out with me.www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/sherlock/season2_c... URL записи
I'm moffucked. Twice (c)