03.09.2012 в 02:22
Пишет treeckster:DW - приквел Asylum of the Daleks
УПД. выложили, выложили!
трейлер*(?%*(%:?; как они могли нам этого не показать????
в общем, предыстория: на американских айтьюнс выпустили в закрытку некий приквел к Психушке далеков.
Вот его превью. "Доктор кто - собери по кускам"
перевод"Назови планету. - Нет. - Назови планету. - Скаро."
вот так-то.
апд. ай чёрт на слух не смогла. в транскрипт подглядела )))
вот транскрипт приквела целиком (надеюсь, он всё же скоро выйдет). английский.
читать дальшеScene in tea shop. Doctor is about to eat a crumpet. Sees a headless monk at the other side of a shop, no one else notices the monk. The doctor looks down, when he looks back up the monk is sitting across the table from him.
D: “I don’t think I asked you to sit.”
M: “There is a woman who wants to meet you.”
D: “I’m married.”
M: “Your help is required.”
D: “I don’t discuss my business in public.”
M: “I know”
Monk waves hand and everyone disappears.
Doctor leans in and smiles. “Who are you?”
M: “A messenger”
D: “Good messenger?”
M: “Darla Von Karlsen”
D: “Never heard of her.”
Doctor stands up and immediately is in a new place. Looks around.
D: “Where’s the tea room?”
M: “We were never in the tea room.” (At this point the monk is heard but not seen.)
D: “Ooooh. Of course. Psychic projection. Someone is sending me a dream message. Well I hope I fell asleep somewhere comfy.”
M: “Do you recognize where you are?”
Doctor looks around. Looks like a dilapidated and ravaged place. We hear children laughing. “I remember. How do you hang up on this thing?”
M: “You can’t.”
D: “Oh yeah? And what if I just wake up?”
Doctor shifts to being on a beach.
M: “No, doctor. The beach isn’t real either. You are still dreaming.”
Shifts to doctor standing in space. Monk appears again.
M: “Space time coordinates. You will meet DVK here. Her daughter is in danger and only you can save her.” (There are space time coordinates shown. Look a bit like the circles on the back of the timelord watch fobs.)
“You recognize the planet?”
Doctor whispers, “yes”
M: “Say it. Name the planet.”
D: “I will not say that name.”
M: “SAY IT” (At this point the Doctor shifts to being on the TARDIS.)
D: “NO!”
M: “Name the planet” (This is said several times with the lines interrupting each other a bit. Slightly different voices.)
Close up on the Doctor, in a fairly surreal scene. Ends with an extreme close up of his eyes, which look disturbed/frightened. “Skaro.”
Scene of the TARDIS flying through space. End clip.
URL записиУПД. выложили, выложили!
трейлер*(?%*(%:?; как они могли нам этого не показать????
в общем, предыстория: на американских айтьюнс выпустили в закрытку некий приквел к Психушке далеков.
Вот его превью. "Доктор кто - собери по кускам"
перевод"Назови планету. - Нет. - Назови планету. - Скаро."
вот так-то.
апд. ай чёрт на слух не смогла. в транскрипт подглядела )))
вот транскрипт приквела целиком (надеюсь, он всё же скоро выйдет). английский.
читать дальшеScene in tea shop. Doctor is about to eat a crumpet. Sees a headless monk at the other side of a shop, no one else notices the monk. The doctor looks down, when he looks back up the monk is sitting across the table from him.
D: “I don’t think I asked you to sit.”
M: “There is a woman who wants to meet you.”
D: “I’m married.”
M: “Your help is required.”
D: “I don’t discuss my business in public.”
M: “I know”
Monk waves hand and everyone disappears.
Doctor leans in and smiles. “Who are you?”
M: “A messenger”
D: “Good messenger?”
M: “Darla Von Karlsen”
D: “Never heard of her.”
Doctor stands up and immediately is in a new place. Looks around.
D: “Where’s the tea room?”
M: “We were never in the tea room.” (At this point the monk is heard but not seen.)
D: “Ooooh. Of course. Psychic projection. Someone is sending me a dream message. Well I hope I fell asleep somewhere comfy.”
M: “Do you recognize where you are?”
Doctor looks around. Looks like a dilapidated and ravaged place. We hear children laughing. “I remember. How do you hang up on this thing?”
M: “You can’t.”
D: “Oh yeah? And what if I just wake up?”
Doctor shifts to being on a beach.
M: “No, doctor. The beach isn’t real either. You are still dreaming.”
Shifts to doctor standing in space. Monk appears again.
M: “Space time coordinates. You will meet DVK here. Her daughter is in danger and only you can save her.” (There are space time coordinates shown. Look a bit like the circles on the back of the timelord watch fobs.)
“You recognize the planet?”
Doctor whispers, “yes”
M: “Say it. Name the planet.”
D: “I will not say that name.”
M: “SAY IT” (At this point the Doctor shifts to being on the TARDIS.)
D: “NO!”
M: “Name the planet” (This is said several times with the lines interrupting each other a bit. Slightly different voices.)
Close up on the Doctor, in a fairly surreal scene. Ends with an extreme close up of his eyes, which look disturbed/frightened. “Skaro.”
Scene of the TARDIS flying through space. End clip.