19.04.2012 в 11:28
Пишет  Doctor Wooster:

"So we sat at a picnic table and Lis asked me how I would end The Sarah Jane Adventures, and I said, “She’d do something magnificent, and then she’d make sure the kids were fine, and then she’d go… up!” “What d’you mean, up?” asked Lis, and she was laughing, “You mean, into the sky?” “Yes!” I said. “She’d go up. Onwards.
Outwards. Into the stars. Just… up! D’you fancy that?” “Oh yes,” said Lis. “That sounds nice.”

So she’s rising now. There she goes! Up, up, up, into the sky, and into the stars, forever.
Goodbye, Sarah Jane! We love you. Goodbye".

Russell T Davies, in honour of Elisabeth Sladen (Doctor Who Magazine #435)

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