07.04.2012 в 22:21
Пишет Amy Benson:Кстати
The Doctor is no stranger to violence.
In an “Unearthly Child”, the FIRST Doctor stoved in the head of a caveman with a rock.
In “The Dominators”, the SECOND Doctor placed a nuclear weapon on their ship, blowing them out of the sky.
In “Day of the Daleks”, the THIRD Doctor casually blasts an approach Ogron, blowing TEN’s whole “be the man who never would” speech right out of the water.
In “The Brain of Morbius”, the FOURTH Doctor gasses Solon with cyanide, in a move that could have trapped both him and Sarah sealed in a crypt FOREVER.
In “Arc of Infinity”, the FIFTH Doctor blatantly just SHOOTS Omega.
In “Vengeance of Davros”, the SIXTH Doctor manuevers two guards into a bath of acid, and later leaves two booby traps involving stinging plants and a laser to kill two cannibals and a guard.
In “The Two Doctors”, the SIXTH Doctor chloroforms Shockeye to DEATH.
In “Dalek”, the NINTH Doctor tries to MURDER the last living Dalek, even though it was completely defenseless.
If Donna hadn’t stopped him, the TENTH Doctor would have killed the Arachnoss in “The Runaway Bride” AND he clearly wanted to shoot Cobb near the end of “The Doctor’s Daughter”.
What about the EIGHTH Doctor, you ask?
Oh, and most of these, apart from the Time War thing, were of his OWN choice, not a necessity.
So PLEASE New-Whovians and “The Doctor is a peaceful man” attitude people, DON’T even dare say that or say that Moffat is ruining the essence of the show by having 11 like or be violent.
URL записиThe Doctor is no stranger to violence.
In an “Unearthly Child”, the FIRST Doctor stoved in the head of a caveman with a rock.
In “The Dominators”, the SECOND Doctor placed a nuclear weapon on their ship, blowing them out of the sky.
In “Day of the Daleks”, the THIRD Doctor casually blasts an approach Ogron, blowing TEN’s whole “be the man who never would” speech right out of the water.
In “The Brain of Morbius”, the FOURTH Doctor gasses Solon with cyanide, in a move that could have trapped both him and Sarah sealed in a crypt FOREVER.
In “Arc of Infinity”, the FIFTH Doctor blatantly just SHOOTS Omega.
In “Vengeance of Davros”, the SIXTH Doctor manuevers two guards into a bath of acid, and later leaves two booby traps involving stinging plants and a laser to kill two cannibals and a guard.
In “The Two Doctors”, the SIXTH Doctor chloroforms Shockeye to DEATH.
In “Dalek”, the NINTH Doctor tries to MURDER the last living Dalek, even though it was completely defenseless.
If Donna hadn’t stopped him, the TENTH Doctor would have killed the Arachnoss in “The Runaway Bride” AND he clearly wanted to shoot Cobb near the end of “The Doctor’s Daughter”.
What about the EIGHTH Doctor, you ask?
Oh, and most of these, apart from the Time War thing, were of his OWN choice, not a necessity.
So PLEASE New-Whovians and “The Doctor is a peaceful man” attitude people, DON’T even dare say that or say that Moffat is ruining the essence of the show by having 11 like or be violent.